The physical facilities provided in Kampus Syahdan consist of:

  • Seven classrooms have 55-people capacity
  • One Drawing Studio with tracing table, have 55-people capacity
  • Air conditioned classrooms equipped with LCD Projectors
  • Four laboratories of multimedia computer
    Two New Media laboratories : @ 60 Apple iMac Computers with wireless networking
    And Two Animation laboratories : 60 Hi-end PC Computers
  • Four photography studios
  • One Green Screen Studio
  • One Gallery
  • One Audio Dubbing and Recording Studio
  • One reproduction and graphics method workhouse
  • A library at Kampus Anggrek that is shared with other study programs’ library at BINUS UNIVERSITY.
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lab-new-media-01Lab New Media – 60 Apple iMac Computers with wireless networking
(Photo by Putra Agung)

greenscreen-01Green Screen Studio

greenscreen-02Green Screen Studio

audiostudioAudio Dubbing and Recording Studio

fotografi-01Suasana Praktek Foto Studio di Studio Fotografi

fotografi-02Suasana Praktek Foto Studio di Studio Fotografi