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Location Available in 2 Campuses
  • BINUS @Kemanggisan
  • BINUS @Alam Sutera
Length of Study 4 years
Academic Title Sarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

Designer of The Future

In the New Media Program, students are equipped with specialized skills in information technology that can enhance their future career prospects in Visual Communication Design. By mastering the integration of print, digital, and interactive media, they can apply their expertise across various visual communication fields, including UX design, branding, information design, public design, photography, illustration, typography, and web design, all within the realm of interactive new media design. These skills empower students to confidently navigate the evolving landscape of visual communication, allowing them to adapt to the demands of both traditional and emerging media. With a strong foundation in both technical and creative aspects, they are well-prepared to create compelling visual narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. As they hone their abilities, students are encouraged to innovate and push the boundaries of design, positioning themselves as versatile professionals capable of making significant contributions to the field.
Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.

Career Moves

Visual Communication Design blends creativity with technical skills, leading to various career opportunities. Professionals in this field shape how information and ideas are visually presented across print, digital, and interactive media. Careers in this area allow individuals to combine artistic vision with practical skills, impacting advertising, technology, media, and branding. It's a diverse field for those passionate about design and eager to influence how people see and interact with the world.

Strategic Partnerships

To sustainably improve students academic and experience

Student's Creation

Design student work combines creativity and technical skill, showcasing their progress through various design projects. From striking graphics to innovative products and engaging digital media, each piece reflects their ability to turn ideas into compelling solutions while understanding user needs and trends. These projects mark key milestones in their development as emerging designers.
DKV 1 – Booklet & Flyer Design

DKV 1 – Booklet & Flyer Design

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Video Grafis Motion “Ketahui Komputer” sebagai media edukasi perangkat keras komputer untuk generasi z

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Video Grafis Motion “Ketahui Komputer” sebagai media edukasi perangkat keras komputer untuk generasi z

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Aplikasi Mobile “Prime Fit” sebagai Platform Layanan Digital Pusat Kebugaran “Prime Fitness”

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Aplikasi Mobile “Prime Fit” sebagai Platform Layanan Digital Pusat Kebugaran “Prime Fitness”

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Motion Graphic “Kisah Rasa Masakkan Tionghoa di Indonesia”

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Motion Graphic “Kisah Rasa Masakkan Tionghoa di Indonesia”

Perancangan Ulang Komunikasi Visual Publikasi Buku “Insecurity” Sebagai Media Informasi Mengenai Perasaan Insecure

Perancangan Ulang Komunikasi Visual Publikasi Buku “Insecurity” Sebagai Media Informasi Mengenai Perasaan Insecure

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Publikasi Buku “Fenomenal Sneakers Lokal” Untuk Meningkatkan Apresiasi Masyarakat Terhadap Sneakers Lokal

Perancangan Komunikasi Visual Publikasi Buku “Fenomenal Sneakers Lokal” Untuk Meningkatkan Apresiasi Masyarakat Terhadap Sneakers Lokal

Our Creative Pods!

    Digital Gallery
    Audio Visual Studio
    iMac Laboratory
    MRG Studio
    Photography Studio

The Creative Bunch

What's Happening

  • Liputan Acara 2024 Media X Space: Across Asia

  • Jakarta Doodle Fest is coming to BINUS University – Space,Place, and Perception: A Workshop on Art Installation

  • Jakarta Doodle Fest is coming to BINUS University – myBCA Mentorship Project








Our Pride and Glory

  • Pengukuhan Guru Besar Prof. Dr. Dra. Mita Purbasari Wahidiyat, M.F.A

  • Karya Finalis no 5 Logo Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) Nusantara adalah Karya Wildan Ilham, Alumni DKV Binus 2015

  • Lomba Digital Mural BI-ASEAN 2023


Jo Wahono

Jo Wahono

Designer at Grey London - United Kingdom I’m one of those people that didn’t know what I wanted to major in university until the very last minute of high school. I know I've always been terrible at academics but good at arts. I also knew I wanted to have a career in the creative industry so I remembered a well known local university for the arts was Binus. Took my chance at Visual Communication Design, got in, had a crazy time, wasn’t the best student, but I was so proud to graduate with a B. Binus is one of those local universities that embraces diversity, inclusivity and equality. From the lecturers to students, they truly welcome you for who you are and wanna be. I remember one of the reasons I chose Binus was because of the culture. It makes you feel like you’re part of a community, that you don’t feel lonely. But let’s be real, university is hard for everyone. It’s such a scary place to begin your adulthood. But Binus showed me they can be trusted and that made me courageous. My experience in Binus was a tough one, I easily got insecure of my classmates as they were incredible designers and the lecturers were tough. However, I wouldn't change anything about it, my lecturers were tough because they deeply care about my success, they truly got my back and still do until now that i’m an alumni. And being in a class of incredible designers just means I was curated to be part of the best. To be a great designer, we gotta learn from the best. And Binus gave me the best opportunity. Aside from all that, Binus is very well connected to the creative industry. Not just the university itself, but the people you meet will get you connected. They supported me throughout my internship / entrepreneurship period and in my last semester, the intense modul and support was incredible. And to this day, I have so much gratitude for every single person i’ve met in Binus. Because of Binus, I became courageous. From courage, i got the opportunity to be the lead designer for Musikal Petualangan Sherina. From that opportunity, i fell in love with branding which got me into University of The Arts London, graduating with a Masters of Arts in Graphic Branding & Identity in 2022. Alongside winning the Design & Art Direction Awards, and now i’m proudly a full time designer in a global creative advertising agency called Grey in London, United Kingdom. So the three things i can say to the next generations of Binusians are:
  • be scared as it gets you hungry for courage,
  • stay connected cause that’s how you get places,
  • and have the best time or you’ll regret it.
Best of luck, cheers! Jo x
Io Woo

Io Woo

Cretive Director Studio Woork I had a wonderful experience at the BINUS School of Design - New Media. I gained a wealth of technical skills and design knowledge that I apply in my daily work. The lecturers encouraged me to be myself and gave me the freedom to express my creativity. This support helped me build confidence and discover my own unique design approach. The education and curriculum at BINUS were top-notch, enabling me to transition smoothly into the industry. I hope that BINUS School of Design - New Media continues to nurture talented graduates who are not only equipped with knowledge but also driven by a passion for growth and innovation within the industry. http://studiowoork.com/
Eveline Irene Anton

Eveline Irene Anton

Product Designer Gojek Indonesia As an alumnus of DKV New Media BINUS, I can confidently say that the program provided an invaluable foundation for entering the creative industry. The curriculum was thoughtfully crafted to reflect the evolving demands of the industry, allowing me to stay ahead of trends & effectively adapt to various professional settings. The combination of theoretical knowledge & hands-on projects was key in honing my creative and technical skills. One of the greatest strengths of the DKV New Media program is its emphasis on networking and collaboration. The university facilitated opportunities to connect with industry professionals through guest lectures & internships, giving me real-world insight and connections that have been instrumental in my careers. As DKV New Media BINUS continues to grow, I hope the program remains at the forefront of the industry by expanding its partnerships with businesses and professionals, offering even more real-world experience for students. I believe future graduates will continue to uphold BINUS' reputation as leaders in the creative field. Overall, my time at BINUS was filled with meaningful experiences that have shaped my career, and I look forward to seeing how the university will continue to elevate the next generation of creatives.
Abbeygayle Zhang Ruoshi Korompis

Abbeygayle Zhang Ruoshi Korompis

B2027 | 2702273441 Saya merasa sangat cocok mendaftar di BINUS karena mereka benar-benar memberikan banyak informasi, kegiatan, dan lomba-lomba yang menarik sekaligus bermanfaat. Semua ini cocok banget untuk membangun pengalaman dan mengembangkan skill serta minat kita. Contohnya, sebagai mahasiswa semester 2 saja, saya sudah dapat kesempatan mengikuti lomba internasional, yaitu "4th Daesang Eat, Travel, and Film Festival" di Vietnam. Saya dibayarkan dan bahkan diberi uang jajan untuk terbang ke sana, bersaing dengan 48 peserta dari Korea, Vietnam, dan Indonesia dalam membuat sebuah film. Ini pengalaman yang benar-benar tak terlupakan dan mengubah hidup saya, semua karena kesempatan dari BINUS~
Ismael Chariss Haqq Whana Aji Kesdu

Ismael Chariss Haqq Whana Aji Kesdu

B2027 | 2702393566 Memilih Binus sebagai tempat belajar adalah keputusan tepat bagi saya sebagai mahasiswa Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV). Di Binus, saya tidak hanya belajar desain, tetapi juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi teknologi terbaru yang mendukung proses kreatif. Sistem pendidikan dan pendekatan Binus yang baik membiasakan kami dengan proses desain, manajemen waktu yang baik dan komitmen yang kuat. Sebuah skill penting di dunia kerja, khususnya di industri kreatif. Binus juga menyediakan fasilitas yang lengkap dan lingkungan yang mendukung kolaborasi antar mahasiswa dan dosen, sehingga kami bisa berbagi ide, bekerja sama dalam sebuah projek, dan bisa belajar juga evaluasi satu sama lain.
Nicole Avril Bernadette

Nicole Avril Bernadette

B2025 | 2540119072

Kuliah di BINUS University jurusan DKV New Media merupakan pengalaman yang suaaangat berharga untuk saya. Kurikulumnya super up-to-date dan berfokus pada pengembangan keterampilan design di era digital. Selain itu, dosen-dosen di BINUS tidak hanya berpengalaman, tetapi juga sangat suportif dalam membimbing mahasiswa. 4 tahun perkuliahan yang saya jalani akan menjadi bekal bernutrisi untuk saya berkarya dengan slay, cutesy, dan demure kedepannya di industri kreatif yang semakin dinamis 🎀🚀✨


Apa itu DKV New Media?

DKV New Media adalah salah satu cabang dari Desain Komunikasi Visual yang lebih fokus pada penggunaan media digital dan teknologi terbaru dalam komunikasi visual. Program ini mengintegrasikan elemen-elemen desain tradisional dengan inovasi digital, seperti interaktivitas dan multimedia.

Apa saja yang dipelajari di DKV New Media?

Mahasiswa akan mempelajari berbagai aspek dari desain dan komunikasi visual untuk menciptakan media yang efektif dan estetis, mulai dari pengenalan elemen dan prinsip desain, cara menggambar yang baik dan sesuai kebutuhan, mengkomunikasikan visual yang baik dan pemanfaatan software dan media-media baru sebagai pendukung penciptaan visual yang mengikuti perkembangan jaman.

Apakah Perbedaan DKV New Media dan Animasi?

Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) New Media dan Animasi adalah dua bidang yang berkaitan dengan komunikasi visual, tetapi mereka memiliki fokus dan pendekatan yang berbeda. DKV New Media lebih luas dan mencakup berbagai aspek media digital. Ini termasuk desain interaktif, media sosial, pemasaran digital, serta integrasi teknologi baru seperti realitas virtual (VR) dan augmented reality (AR), sedangkan animasi lebih spesifik pada teknik dan seni membuat gambar bergerak. Ini mencakup animasi 2D, 3D, stop-motion, dan efek visual. Secara singkat, DKV New Media lebih berfokus pada desain dan pengalaman digital yang interaktif, sementara Animasi lebih spesifik pada teknik pembuatan gambar bergerak dan efek visual. Kedua bidang ini bisa saling melengkapi, dan keterampilan dari salah satu area sering kali berguna dalam yang lainnya.

Apakah Perbedaan DKV New Media dengan Creative Advertising?

Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) New Media dan Creative Advertising adalah dua bidang yang berkaitan dengan komunikasi visual, tetapi mereka memiliki fokus dan tujuan yang berbeda. DKV New Media berfokus pada penggunaan media digital dan teknologi terbaru untuk menciptakan pengalaman interaktif dan multimedia. Ini termasuk desain antarmuka pengguna (UI), pengalaman pengguna (UX), pembuatan konten digital, dan penggunaan teknologi seperti realitas virtual (VR) dan augmented reality (AR) sedangkan Creative Advertising berfokus pada penciptaan dan strategi iklan yang kreatif dan efektif. Ini melibatkan pengembangan kampanye iklan yang menarik, mempromosikan produk atau layanan, dan mencapai tujuan pemasaran tertentu. Keduanya melibatkan kreativitas dan desain, tetapi DKV New Media lebih menekankan pada aspek teknis dan interaktif dari media digital, sementara Creative Advertising lebih berfokus pada strategi iklan dan pemasaran.

Apakah perlu memiliki bakat menggambar untuk masuk DKV New Media?

Meskipun memiliki bakat menggambar bisa sangat membantu, tapi tidak hanya kemampuan menggambar saja untuk bisa menghasilkan karya DKV yang baik. Setiap mata kuliah membutuhkan  keterampilan desain dan kreativitas secara keseluruhan seperti kemampuan berpikir kritis, kreatif, pemanfaatan media visual analog maupun digital serta kemampuan untuk menyampaikan pesan visual secara efektif.

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