Henny Maurien – Visual Identity of Dua Canting
Henny Maurien
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0813 8662 0502
She describes herself as a hardworker, creative and self-motivated. Graduated from Binus School of Design majoring New Media in 2012.
Portfolio concept:
Two Canting originally named Cantingku is Indonesian fashion line that specializes in the manufacture of various types of garments using Indonesia fabrics, which is not limited to the batik and kebaya only. Cantingku did not have a logo and other visual markers that represent their philosophy. So they need a new visual identity. This portfolio consist of visual identity such as logo & supergraphic, GSM (company handbook) stationary, posters, gift cards, as well as drafting a website marketing strategy by using AR technology (Augmented Reality) is simple to attract young adult female consumers are familiar with the technology and modern life in order more familiar with this new brand.
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